Become a Mentee

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Mentee!

How Do I Become a Mentee?

NOTE: Registration for new Mentors & Mentees is currently closed.

  1. Sign Up - Fill out the Proud Pairs Mentee sign-up form.

  2. Matching - Mentors & Mentees will be paired based on information collected in the Proud Pairs Mentor/Mentee application & interview.

  3. Orientation - Attend your choice of a 3 hour in-person or online orientation session.

Note: Filling out the above sign-up form does not guarantee a match with a Mentor due to Mentor-Mentee matching criteria as well as a differing number of Mentors & Mentees that express interest in the program. 

Mentee Requirements & Expectations

  • We typically take Mentees who are between 15 and 23 years old (but we’re flexible - get in touch!).

  • Mentees under 18 years of age require parent/guardian consent to participate.

  • Time commitment: 4.5-5.5 hours/month

    • 4 hours/month of one-on-one time with Mentor

    • 30-minute bimonthly (once every two months) online check-in with the Program Coordinator

    • Optional: 1 hour/month of group hang-outs with all Mentors & Mentees (encouraged, not mandatory)